The Virtual Laser Keyboard
The Virtual Laser Keyboard (VKB - Magic Cube) is a revolutionary accessory (The only keyboard that operates in total darkness) for Iphone, Ipad, Blackberry, Smartphone, PDA, MAC & Tablet PC and any device that operates Bluetooth HID. The VKB (Magic Cube) is the perfect business / Christmas gift (and just what you want to take out of your inner suit pocket in front of your amazed business colleagues...:-)
In the size of a Zipo lighter and in an outer spaced "enterprise" style, it uses a laser beam to generate a full-size perfectly OPERATING laser keyboard that smoothly connects to your mobilr devices.
The Celluon laser keyboard acts exactly like any other "ordinary" keyboard: A direction technology based on an optical recognition mechanism enables the user to tap on the projected key images, while producing real tapping sounds (we call it the WOW effect..).
The Virtual Laser Keyboard - Magic Cube Features:
About the size of a small cellular phone, (90 x 34 x 24 mm), the VKB enables users to type texts or e-mails as easily as with a ordinary keyboard. Imagine how easy it would be, if you had a proper mobile phone keyboard that fits in your pocket...The Celluon Virtual Keyboard uses a light projection of a full-sized computer keyboard on almost any surface. Used with PDA's and Smart Phones, the Virtual Keyboard provides a practical way to do e-mail, word processing and spreadsheet tasks, enabling users to leave laptops and computers at home.
VKB's adaptable technology studies the user's finger movements to interpret and record keystrokes. Because the virtual keyboard is an image projected by light, it disappears completely when not in use.
When using the VKB settings can be changed either via your laptop, your PC or your compatible Smartphone and PDA:
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